
Finding Hope After Loss : Grief and Healing

By Darine Ammache, Clinical Psychologist


It’s vital to keep in mind that everyone experiences grief differently even though it can be a challenging and stressful process. The various emotions that come with loss can be felt, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve.You could experience a variety of feelings at once, including anger, sadness, numbness, and anger and sadness. It’s crucial to realize that grieving can take time and that it’s appropriate to take things day by day. It is beneficial to ask friends and family for support in addition to allowing oneself time and space to grieve.

Sharing memories and talking about your loved one can be consoling and helpful to process your feelings. Taking part in enjoyable activities or discovering new hobbies can also assist in relieving pain and restoring a feeling of normalcy to your life.

Here are some strategies you can use to support yourself during this trying time:

  1. Give yourself permission to feel your feelings: After a loss, it’s common to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, rage, guilt, and numbness. Don’t criticize yourself for having these feelings; just allow yourself to feel them.
  2. Seek out assistance from others: Speaking with friends, relatives, or a support group can help you process your feelings and emotions. This process doesn’t have to be undertaken by you alone.
  3. Take care of yourself: Self-care is important during this time. Take part in enjoyable activities, exercise frequently, eat healthfully, and get enough sleep.
  4. Recognize that your life has changed and discover a new normal. Your life may never be the same again, but it’s crucial to embrace the changes.
  5. Try not to be too hard on yourself. It’s common to have regrets or feel guilty following a loss. It’s critical to keep in mind that you provided the finest service possible at the time.
  1. Look for methods to honor your deceased loved one: Whether it’s through establishing a memorial or saving memories, looking for ways to honor your deceased loved one can be reassuring and make you feel closer to them.
  2. Ask for support from a therapist or counselor if necessary: If       your grief becomes too much for you to handle, it may be useful to do so. They can help you through this trying period by offering support and direction.

To sum up, grieving is a difficult and complex process, which with time, assistance, and self-care, becomes possible to recover from and help discover a way to cherish your loved one in your heart. You should not rush the mending process; it is alright to take your time.

Even though it could take you months or even years to accept your loss, during this period, be gentle on yourself, and rest assured that that your loved one’s memory will be cherished and honored.

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